One hundred twenty-three million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine
To learn how to read and say large numbers in English, let’s start small. You know that 2 is two and 22 is twenty-two. You might also know that 322 is three hundred twenty-two.
So what’s 322,000? Simple: three hundred twenty-two thousand!
But what about 322,000,000? Easy! Three hundred twenty-two million!
Add those together and you get 322,322,322 — three hundred twenty-two million, three hundred twenty-two thousand, three hundred twenty-two. It’s easy as pie.
If you’re comfortable with numbers 1-99, then you should be able to recite 312,580,747 after you understand and memorize this pattern:
Every three digits (ones, tens, hundreds) can be grouped up. A comma before any group of three signifies “thousand” or “million” (or “billion” or “trillion”).

The number 312,580,747 has three groups of three: 312 (three hundred twelve), 580 (five hundred eighty), and 747 (seven hundred forty-seven).
The first comma signifies million (three hundred twelve million) and the second comma signifies thousand (five hundred eighty thousand). The last group is simply seven hundred forty-seven.
Combine them and you get three hundred twelve million, five hundred eighty thousand, seven hundred forty-seven.

If a number like 468,952,311 still makes you cringe, break it down to smaller numbers.
311 = three hundred eleven
2,311 = two thousand, three hundred eleven
52,311 = fifty-two thousand, three hundred eleven
952,311 = nine hundred fifty-two thousand, three hundred eleven
8,952,311 = eight million, nine hundred fifty-two thousand, three hundred eleven
68,952,311 = sixty-eight million, nine hundred fifty-two thousand, three hundred eleven
468,952,311 = four hundred sixty-eight million, nine hundred fifty-two thousand, three hundred eleven
Whew, that’s a mouthful!
Here are some more examples:
706,011,002 = Seven hundred six million, eleven thousand, two
82,605,043 = Eighty-two million, six hundred five thousand, forty-three
1,000,006 = One million, six